Sunday, April 11, 2010

Earthquake and Afghanistan

I went to Radio Shack in Hastings Ranch, Pasadena, today, to get batteries for one of my portable radios, and purchase another.  The gentleman who helped me is from Bulgaria.  He has a son in the midst of the action in Afghanistan, a marine in the Medical Corps.  Another son is finishing studies at West Point.
We got on the subject of Texas (headquarters of Radio Shack) - and he went on to say that
his wife had given him a copy of a book by a Navy Seal from Texas.  He said the book was terrific, included something about the Seal's hometown residents turning out in large numbers to greet him on his return. Later I tried to find it on Amazon, only to discover that there are several books by and about Seals -

Had to return to Radio Shack to get my inexpensive little radio programmed, and had another chat with the gentleman from Bulgaria.  One of my chosen stations was KUSC 91.5, causing him to comment that classical music kept him sane on a long ride to work.  A jovial encounter.

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