Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sierra Madre neighborhood walk - again

Walking through the park this morning we saw a neatly dressed gray-haired man with two young girls by his side.  Both girls chorused  "May we pet your dogs, may we pet your dogs?" They ran up telling me
"we've been trying to get the those men over there to stop fightingtheeyllls. "  After they had repeated "fightingtheeylis" and I asked if they were talking about "owls," their companion (father? grandfather?)
translated "fighting Israelis."  Rather startling comment from the under-five set. Another notch in my belief that adults mold and children are pliable.

Later we met one of the first-grade classes from Sierra Madre School, lined up along a wall outside Bean Town, slurping ice cream from cone and bowl.  "MaeRose, MaeRose," greeted Charlotte, jumping down to meet us. (Charlotte and her sister Madeline are among the faithful readers we meet for our monthly Barks and Books visit to the Sierra Madre Library.) We were soon surrounded by a swarm of children
patting every inch of Darby and MaeRose front to back, top to bottom.  Their teacher promised to visit us next time Barks and Books meets.


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